Aluminum, Stainless Steel Food Truck, Camper (for Campsite Use) Manufacturing

Adhering to the Pursuit of Progress in Vehicle Craftsmanship

Since 2019, alumi has been focused on professionally producing and manufacturing food trucks and campers (specifically for campsite use), dedicated to providing solutions for various catering services, innovative chefs, and customers seeking unique living experiences who aspire to a high-quality lifestyle. Our food trucks are not just a mobility solution; they symbolize an extension of the brand image, showcasing the pursuit of a refined lifestyle, and filling every journey with a profound love for food, nature, and exploration.

Upholding the Artisan Spirit

At alumi, the artisan spirit is our soul. We seek perfection in every detail of our products, from design to production, promising to deliver high-quality, delicate, and durable food trucks to our customers.

At alumi, we focus not only on creating visually striking food trucks but also on the perfect integration of internal details. Each of our food trucks features an integrated design with food-grade stainless steel 304 cabinets, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the interior space while maximizing functionality and efficiency. These cabinets are meticulously planned and designed to perfectly match the vehicle structure, allowing for optimal space utilization and convenience in operation. alumi persists in the pursuit of perfection in details throughout the design and manufacturing process, aiming to provide customers with an unparalleled user experience.

High-End Manufacturing Materials and Continuous Exploration

We use top-grade stainless steel 304 and high-quality aluminum to ensure our food trucks and campers are both sturdy and beautiful. Currently, alumi is also collaborating with century-old industrial giants within the industry to explore innovative technologies, aimed at reducing the chemical reactions and oxidation that stainless steel may produce, hoping to further improve the quality and lifespan of our products.

Professional Accessories for Ultimate Customization

alumi's food trucks are designed with both beauty and practicality in mind, further offering a selection of high-quality accessories from world-class brands to meet various unique needs. From AL-KO's sway stabilizers and guide wheels to aluminum alloy rims. We also provide Dometic's rooftop heating and cooling units, ensuring a comfortable interior environment, regardless of the hot summer or cold winter. Additionally, vehicle movers produced by ROBOT TROLLEY and TRUMA make vehicle movement more effortless. alumi's own high-efficiency inverter silent generators not only provide lasting power but also win customers' favor with their low noise and environmental performance. All these selected accessories, coming from brands with an outstanding reputation in the industry, allow customers to enjoy a customized experience and exclusive quality assurance when choosing an alumi food truck.

International Footprint

Since 2021, we have embarked on a journey to introduce alumi's food trucks to the world. To date, these efforts have enabled us to establish connections with partners and customers in 16 countries globally, including Japan, Israel, Italy, Austria, New Zealand, various European countries, and Southeast Asia. This achievement not only reflects the recognition of our dedication but also signifies acknowledgment and encouragement for alumi's continuous pursuit of excellence.

Contributing to Urban Beautification

alumi's food trucks not only provide professional mobile solutions but also contribute to the beautification of cities. We pursue stylish and practical designs, aiming to enhance the urban visual landscape and demonstrate a longing for a beautiful lifestyle.

Looking to the Future 

With continuous innovation in the food truck and camper sectors, Alumi looks forward to joining hands with more partners and customers who pursue excellence, to collectively create a beautiful lifestyle. For us, what we offer is not just products, but a leadership in lifestyle. 

Do you like Alumi's food trucks or campers? 

Click the circle in the bottom right corner to immediately contact us via Line, FB message, phone, or by clicking the "Contact Us" button below. An Alumi staff member will be at your service shortly! (Customer service hours are from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM. If you leave a message outside of working hours, we will reply to your message immediately on the next business day!)